Randy McCarten

Randy McCarten

Want to know more about Randy McCarten? Get their official bio, social pages & articles on 99.5 The River!Full Bio


Now What Do You Do With This?

This summer my wife and our daughter started a puzzle as something to do when they had a few minutes.  I think I put in exactly 3 pieces.  They wanted to finish it before school started and boom there it is.  

Here's the question.  Now what do you do with it?  Our daughter almost ripped it apart the minute it was done and I was light "noooooo!"   Problem is it's been sitting on the dining room table for about a week and now.  I guess you can put glue on it and frame it but it isn't really frame worthy.  I mean I like Snoopy and all but...

Is there a length of time you hold on to a puzzle before you take it apart?  A lot of time and brain power went into it.  I'm at a loss.  We do need to eat Thanksgiving dinner on this table eventually.

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