My knowledge of doing laundry pretty much ends with separating the whites from the colors although I am still a little fuzzy on tan stuff still. I saw this article on 5 laundry secrets from 5 star hotels. Ready?
1. Don't overfill. No more than 80% full or your stuff won't get clean. Don't under fill it too much more than that though
2. Cold water doesn't kill germs, really hot water damages the fabric. The best temps are between about 100 & 140 degrees
3. 3 ounces of white vinegar during the rinse cycle makes your laundry soft
4. It's recommended that your dry your laundry outside in the sun. If you can't do that put a tennis ball in the dryer to make your towels fluffy
5. How to remove stains. This has a lot of different stuff including using WD40. Get more on that and the rest of these secrets here
photo: getty didn't think I really was doing laundry do you?