This is my Mom. We lost her a few years ago but I can still hear her voice and remember the funny things she say and do. I miss her but she is making me smile today. Happy Mother's Day to all Mom's and people thinking about their Mom's today.
I stumbled on some fun Mom facts like....
- The average first time Mom is 25 years old. Back in '71 it was 21.
- Now the average family has 2 kids. In the 50s it was 3.5 and in the 1700s it way 7-10!
- 88% of Mom's do the laundry. It comes to 330 loads per year
- Babies will have their diaper changed 7300 times by the time they are 2
Here's the one that got me. The average Mom changes a diaper in 2 minutes & 5 seconds. The average Dad takes one 2 minute 36 seconds. The only thing I can figure is that we are doing something wrong but I can't imagine what it could be. I followed the video instructions below.
Find out more fun Mom's Day facts here