How To Take A Screenshot Of An Entire Web Page, Not Just One Part Of It

If you've ever taken a screenshot of a website, you know that many times you need more than just one screenshot. Often, you have to take the first shot, then scroll down a little, take another, scroll down, take another, and so on until you capture everything you wanted to grab. Then, if you are sending it to someone, you have to send them all those photos. It turns out though, you don't have to do that at all.

There is actually a little-known iPhone feature that lets you take a screenshot of an entire web page, and it is incredibly easy. All you do is find the page you want a picture of in the Safari app. Once there, take a screenshot of it like you normally would. After you do, it shows a small version of the picture in the lower left corner of the screen. Click on that and above the photo you will see two options, "Screen" and "Full Page." Click "Full Page" and you'll have the whole page available, with an overview of it on the right side.

With the full page screenshot, you can edit, crop and mark up the picture as you would any other, then you can text it or save it as a PDF. The feature is available on any Apple device but only with the Safari app.

Finally a way for you to share articles and recipes without needing to take and send a hundred pictures. Now, if you want to figure out how to take a screenshot without ever pushing a button, head here.

Photo: Getty Images

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