Is this going a little too far? Certain companies are considering banning handshakes at the workplace. In fact, some are mulling over banning ALL forms of physical contact...and these companies are pointing to the #MeToo movement as the reason. What do you think? Is this going too far - to not be able to offer a welcoming handshake? Or is this actually a good idea? We do live in a social media world where a simple accusation is often enough to be a career killer. How would you feel if you worked in an office where absolutely no physical contact was allowed? On one hand, it could protect you from something that you see as simply innocent - say - a pat on the shoulder, or simply gently tapping a person's arm - or - a handshake. What if the person you touched was not comfortable with that, and went to HR? This new 'no physical contact' rule would save you. BUT - the flip side is...does it distance us from human relationships? Friendship? Strong working relationships? Once again, I point to social media. As quickly as it can crush a career, it also drives a wedge into actual human contact. Our faces are buried in our phones so we talk less face to face and by eliminating contact altogether - how about we eliminate ever talking face to face? Would the #MeToo movement include verbal usage as well? Just thoughts here - I see both sides - but don't think eliminating simple handshakes is the answer. Being respectful to your fellow human and co-worker is.
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