Maybe you were at the Empire State Plaza yesterday for the NY State Tree Lighting. On Saturday I went up in the attic and got our tree down. I even went as far as putting it up and putting the box back up in the attic. That is about as far I we have gotten since then though. I did get an ornament in the mail and put it on the tree. Maybe tonight.
If your goal is to have the best tree on the block...unlike are some tips:
- If you have a live tree make sure it never runs out of water. It should last 4-6 weeks. Have the shop vac ready on the way out.
- Pick a good location. The neighbors can't see it you don't win. Make sure it's visible from the street. We lose that one too.
- Layer your lights. I ready that you wrap white lights on the interior of your tree and colored lights on the outside. It's supposed to add dimension and make it glow
- Hang ornaments various distances from the middle of the tree. It gives it more depth. See above.
- Hang your best ornaments first in key locations
- Custer spheres. Use wire to cluster 3 round ornaments together to make them more special. Ya sounds like too much work to me too.
- Stand back. Stand back a distance to make sure it's all balanced. Better still go out in the front yard just like the Dad on A Christmas Story with the lamp leg.
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