Father's Day is June 17th. It's that time of year to find a gift for a guy that's frankly a little hard to buy for. As a Dad I've turned into my Dad. "I don't need anything" or better yet "I need kids who behave". That's an old favorite.
I came across this unique gift. Meat scented candles. The is "Backyard BBQ", "Burger" and "Original Meat". What animal does "original meat" come from? To be honest I really don't want one of these. I mean come on do you want your house smelling like a burger and then not being able to eat one? It also makes us sound like barbarians or something...but maybe it's perfect for the Dad in your like.
I just checked on how to get one and it says they are sold out! Maybe I'm wrong here. They may make more available. Here's the link
Guess you might have to settle for a meat necktie. You can get one of these here
photo: getty images