Do you AGREE or DISAGREE with this list? Found it on MSN...The Most Overrated Movies of All-Time. Many of the movies they listed I completely agreed with! Many I vehemently DISAGREED with! In fact completely disagreed with 9 on their in NO WAY are they overrated movies, and surprisingly...I AGREED with 10 of them. The two movies I agreed with most of in SUPER overrated were Love, Actually and most definitely Napolean Dynamite!! (Good god that movie is the WORST!!!) Now...on the other side, a couple movies they had on the list that I DON'T think are overrated are Ferris Bueller's Day Off - WHAT??? How could you? Did you even see Mia Sara in that movie??? Also The Breakfast Club! One of the greatest High School teen movies ever made! So...I ask you...take a look at the list. Which do you agree or disagree with???